Introduction to Data and Plotting

Introduction to working with data and plotting

This lesson introduces some techniques for working with data sets and producing plots. It covers:

  • A brief introduction to Jupyter notebooks.
  • Introduction to NumPy.
  • Introduction to Pandas.
  • Introduction to matplotlib.


In order to complete the lesson you should be familar with the content of the course:

  • Introduction to Python


Approximate timings for the lesson:

Time Episode Description
0:00 Setup How to access jupyter notebooks from a GTA machine
0:10 Jupyter Notebooks How to use a jupyter notebook
0:30 NumPy Introduction An introduction to NumPy
0:55 Tuples, dicts ... Interlude: List like structures in Python
1:05 More NumPy More features of NumPy
1:25 Plotting with NumPy How to plot with NumPy
1:40 Pandas Introduction An introduction to pandas
2:10 Reading a file with pandas Reading data into pandas
2:25 Plotting with pandas More plots using matplotlib with pandas
2:40 Exploring matplotlib's features A tour of some of the feature of matplotlib
3:00 Finish

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